
Interactive Virtual Worlds for Treadmill App Octonic

Our client, Octonic, is a US-based software development company working in the VR sector. They offer an innovative VR fitness solution that aims to change the perception and attitude of sports and exercise by combining physical activity with virtual reality. Octonic smart VR software consists of a proprietary VR Motion Engine and a VR Content Library with various worlds/tracks and is available now on Meta AppLab and SideQuest. Instead of looking at the gym’s wall, users can connect a headset with software to a treadmill and jog through the canyon, explore uninhabited planets, or compete in the futuristic arena. With Octonic VR, users can transform their ordinary fitness workout into an exciting VR fitness adventure.
The company sought new ways to expand their virtual world capabilities, so it reached tsukat.

This case study unveils the strategic decisions and business insight behind developing advanced virtual maps, enhancing the workout experience within a treadmill VR application.

scenery screens from the VR app


  1. Crafting new virtual maps: The customer required new virtual maps for their existing VR application to offer end-users a wider variety of exercise playgrounds. The tsukat team proposed concepts for new worlds, potential level design, and central theme, which the client enthusiastically accepted, initiating our collaboration.
  2. Ensuring application stability: Among the demands crucial to the customer was ensuring the VR application’s performance stability while preserving an entertaining and detailed virtual environment. As the interaction between a user on a treadmill and the virtual world is in real-time, stable application performance is essential to prevent motion sickness and ensure a seamless experience.
  3. Designing a secure VR running experience: Another critical challenge was ensuring a smooth experience for users running with a headset, particularly during turns. Users are naturally inclined to turn when they see a turning point, but it’s impossible on a straight treadmill and poses a risk of injury. Therefore, the tsukat team had to devise a solution to this problem.

The client entrusted us with their project, among other AR/VR companies, drawn by our unmatched technical knowledge and extensive practical experience.

scenery screens from the VR app "Caves & Canyons"

Download the case study that addresses Octonic’s treadmill VR application strategic challenges and see it yourself.


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    Polina Karpinska
    Polina Karpinska
    Marketing Lead
    A digital marketing lead with more that 12 years of experience. Polina specializes in crafting B2B strategies across XR, Networking, Automotive, and Industrial sectors.
    Case Study